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You may think demons are rare, picturing only the cinematic possession. However, the truth is that they are common and most likely influence you at some point each day.

Demons are Usually Subtle

By the time you are a teenager you have probably seen a movie with demons, and most likely, they were portrayed as horrifying.

That’s one thing the movies got right. Demons are real and they are horrifying. They are foul, disgusting, revolting, and when seen for what they are, ugly.

You may think they are rare – possessing an occasional victim, causing them to float over their bed or their head to spin around. However, the truth is that they are common and most likely influence you at some point during your average day. 

Unfortunately, I have had far more visible experiences with demons than angels (see post, Are Angels Real?). The more you move in the spirit, the more you will encounter them.

I should say that in a different way; the more you move in the spirit, the higher awareness you will have of their existence and involvement in your life. 

Demons are Influencers

Have you ever become angry over something, but instead of calming down you get uncontrollably angry?

And once you calm down, do you feel ashamed that you got out of control?

You see, emotions like anger attract spirits of anger. When you start getting angry you attract the attention of these spirits, and they make your anger even worse.

Not all demons have the same tactics; they are spirits of anger, fear, anxiety, lust, greed, laziness, depression, and the list goes on. If you have a disposition to any of these emotions, you likely have similar spirits near you, ready to entice you to embrace these emotions.

Demons also have a role in causing illnesses, which is discussed in my post, Can Demons Cause Sickness and Disease?

Those who can see into the spirit realm such as Blake Healy of Bethel School of the Supernatural can witness firsthand how demons influence others. 

Demons are Deceivers

Demons are not dumb. They have been around a lot longer than you and I and have observed human behavior for thousands of years. This experience makes them masters at deceiving and manipulating humans without you even realizing it.

They have an abundant number of strategies that they’ve seen work time and time again, so they deploy the strategies most likely to move you off track. 

Demons will reinforce your harmful behaviors and whisper that these behaviors are okay, even good for you. They will lead you down a path that seems justifiable to you until you realize you are trapped. At that point the demons will hit you with emotions such as anxiety, depression and hopelessness, and when your friends have turned against you and you are separated from your family, they may even suggest you end it all.

They win – you lose – they move on to the next victim.

Here is a warning: If you try to operate in the supernatural, outside of what God has made available to you, you WILL be deceived and manipulated by demons.

Why Would Demons Want to Harm Me?

You are human. You have the power of choice over your life and your eternal destination. Demons have no such choice. They are damned and they know it. They hate us and let’s face it, we are easy victims.

They are evil by their very nature, and evil hates that which is good.

Demons have Power but Lack Authority

Demons have power. They have destroyed millions of lives. But they lack authority. They can only gain authority over your life if you give it to them.

I’ll give you an example of this. As a new believer, I didn’t understand demons or authority.

It was Halloween evening, and I was watching some ghost investigation show where people go into a haunted area and try to find evidence of paranormal activity. I was sitting in a comfy recliner and dozed off.

As I dreamed I saw the ugly and disgusting faces of demons looking at me eye to eye. I woke up choking. I couldn’t breath as my throat felt restricted, and at the same time my recliner was noticeably shaking. This went on for a while and then gradually, I began to breathe and the shaking of recliner slowly subsided.

That event really opened my eyes. I knew immediately that I had been attacked (see post Can Demons Influence Your Dreams?). (This also gave me a different perspective about watching paranormal shows). 

Another attack followed, only this time while I was sleeping in bed, further confirming the demonic source.

Then, something important happened. I learned that as a believer in Jesus I have authority. The next time an attack happened, I called out in my head, “In the name of Jesus, leave!” The attack stopped and the shaking of my bed subsided.

Soon I realized I need to be proactive and bind demons and declare protection over my room. As a result, the attacks stopped. At least until I slept in a hotel room, but I’ll write more about hotel rooms later. 

Lessons Learned

I learned that as a believer in Jesus, I am granted use of His authority. I use that authority often and for many different circumstances.

There is only one way to have access to His authority – any other attempt to engage in the spirit realm will result in your deception, manipulation and downfall.

You have two choices in a world with demons – being a victor or being a victim.

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Supporting Scripture:

Colossians 2:15 – And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.

1 Peter 3:22 – who has gone into heaven and is at God’s right hand—with angels, authorities and powers in submission to him.

Ephesians 1:20-22 – which He brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. And He put all things in subjection under His feet,

Ephesians 2:6 – And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus,

Luke 10:19-20 – “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”