Ghosts appear to be the disembodied spirits of the dead. But are ghosts really what they appear to be or are they masquerading their true identity?
Many People Believe Ghosts are Real
Newsweek published the results of a supernatural survey this week. The survey from the data website YouGov found that 20% of the respondents believe that ghosts “definitely exist” and 25% believe that they “probably exist.”
Stated another way, 45% of people surveyed have bought into a lie.
“I Have Seen Ghosts so I Know they Exist”
Though I have never seen a ghost, I fully believe the people that claim to have seen one.
My blog post I Think My House is Haunted, documents several experiences people typically attributable to ghosts. Phenomenon such as objects moving, footsteps, noises, eerie feelings, etc.
While I was experiencing these things another member of my family saw two ghosts in the house. One of the ghosts appeared as a middle-aged balding man of Indian descent, and the other as a young girl. He saw the two ghosts at various spots in the house even standing next to his bed. Of course he found those experiences pretty creepy.
I have heard similar stories of ghosts from other eyewitnesses who were very believable. Some of these people even recognized the ghost. My sister for instance lived in the house where a relative had recently died. The woman who died had lived in the house for years and needed a wheelchair towards the end of her life. My sister and her roommates heard wheelchair sounds in the hallway, and two of them even witnessed a ghostly woman in a green dress approach them.
If you had experiences like these wouldn’t you believe in ghosts?
What are Ghosts?
Because of their resemblance to people who lived, it is natural to assume that ghosts are the disembodied spirits of people who died. That these ghosts are people who weren’t ready to enter the next life and so they roam the places of their past life.
These ghosts even have knowledge of the person’s life, revealing their history to mediums as seen on TV.
But in my experience there was something missing from the ghosts we experienced in our houses… death.
The houses we lived in were either brand new or recently built with no history of deaths. No one had died there so why would the disembodied spirit of someone who died come to live with us?
This was a clue that they were not ghosts at all.
But why would a spirit hide their true identity?
The Clue about Ghosts Given by a Medium
A few years ago before I was saved, I was exploring new age concepts and I was intrigued by a TV show about a medium. This medium traveled to various residences that people claimed ghosts haunted.
After conferring with one of these ghosts, she would tell the story behind the ghost. She would describe how it died and what happened in its life that may have kept it from moving on. She would tell the ghosts that they were free to move on and somehow this was supposedly enough to convince the ghost to follow the light to heaven.
Even though I believed in ghosts at the time, this seemed to off. Why did the ghost need her to tell them they could move on? She was a human with far less experience in the spirit world than they had? Somehow in roaming their old house for 50 years they never thought about leaving, but upon her mere suggestion they suddenly pack up and go?
The Deceptive Trap Set by Ghosts
The answer was in one statement the medium made to a “ghost.” The ghost claimed to have been a doctor who had murdered multiple patients.
She told the ghost, “You can go. There is no judgement.”
There it is, the point of the deception… to get you and every other viewer to buy into this story and believe that there is no judgement. That’s right, no hell, no answering for your deeds. If you buy into this suddenly you question Jesus, you question the Bible, you question the whole spectrum of Christian beliefs.
With the belief that there is no hell and that all people go to a good place after death, there is no accountability for what we do in life. It suddenly means that God has no sense of justice, and if He has no sense of justice, there’s no need for mercy, and if there’s no need for mercy, there was no reason for Christ be tortured and die on a cross.
Who Are Ghosts?
After Jesus saved me I learned that He granted me authority over the enemy. With that authority I went through my house casting our every demon, every unclean spirit, but not every spirit. I purposely didn’t mention ghosts.
But guess what? The “ghosts” fled. The older man and the young girl, the footsteps, the moving objects, all ceased. They weren’t ghosts at all.
You see, demons are the ultimate deceivers. They have been on this earth for thousands of years and know how to fool us.

Demons are around you now. They know you well enough that it would be easy for them to imitate you as a ghost once you pass away. They can take on your appearance, talk about your past experiences, even repeat a conversation you had with another once you pass. These mimicking or “familiar” spirits give the medium the illusion that they are communicating with you from the dead.
Why? To deceive you. To keep the truth from you so you will be handed the same sentence that they have already received – eternal fire.
Don’t fall for this deception. Seek out the truth and the light.
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Note: The Bible mentions demons many times and mentions the spirits of men who reside off the surface of the earth, but never mentions ghosts other than as mistaken identities or in association with mediums and spiritualists.
Relevant Scripture:
Isaiah 19:3 – “Then the spirit of the Egyptians will be demoralized within them; And I will confound their strategy, So that they will resort to idols and ghosts of the dead And to mediums and spiritists.
1 Samuel 28:13-14 – …“I see a divine being coming up out of the earth.” He said to her, “What is his form?” And she said, “An old man is coming up, and he is wrapped with a robe.” And Saul knew that it was Samuel, and he bowed with his face to the ground and did homage.
Matthew 17:3 – And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him.
Matthew 14:26 – When the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out in fear.
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