Angels are known to be messengers, protectors and healers, but are they a part of our daily life and even help answer our prayers?
Angels are everywhere! They inhabit the spiritual realm and sometimes even take physical form in the earthly realm. In fact, a simple search on YouTube will turn up countless testimonies of angels responding to prayers. Astoundingly, many of these testimonies involve angels clearly stepping in to save someone from imminent danger.
Now, I am not saying that all of these testimonies are true, but many appear credible.
Recognizing an Angel
All of us are assigned an angel before we are even born. Yet, most people are totally unaware of the presence of their angel.
If you want to become more accustomed to working with your angel, start by recognizing him. Acknowledge that he is there and ask for him to make himself known to you. If you feel something, honor his presence and thank him for being there.
I first felt the presence of an angel one night when I asked God to send an angel to relieve my pain. Immediately, I felt the presence of someone behind me! Then warmth enveloped my back and spread throughout my body, relieving the pain. Not only was the pain gone, but I felt comforted by the experience. (See my post, Are Angels Real? for more details)
Now days, I sense my angel’s presence throughout the day. When I seek him, I feel a sensation throughout the top of my head, almost like light pressure, or touch. When an angel wants to get my attention, I feel tingling at the top of my spine. You may have the same sensations or you may experience their presence in other ways.
Putting Angels to Work
Understand that angels are not to be worshiped by us. They are fellow servants, working with us. I think that this fact discourages many Christians from pursuing relationships with angels. Many Christians either avoid the supernatural altogether or believe seeking angels to be equivalent to worshiping them.
However, this is flawed thinking. After all, we have many relationships that don’t involve worship. For example, we seek relationships with friends, but we don’t worship them. Also, many of us seek relationships with pets, but we don’t worship them either. It should not be surprising then that New Age followers are much more likely to seek out angels than Christians.
Unfortunately, if you avoid angels you will lack an amazing resource that God has provided to help answer our prayers. Even Jesus relied on angels to help him (see below).
There are many people who actively see and work with angels. Just a few are Kevin Zedai, Justin Paul Abraham, Kevin Basconi, and Gary Oates. These people see angels clearly and provide instruction on how to work with angels.

Seeing Angels Answer Prayers
Though I’m not as mature in this practice as the people above, I have seen angels respond my prayers.
For instance, many times when I am praying for someone with my eyes closed, I will see a flash of light. This is not uncommon for many believers. I believe these are angels going on assignment.
But the best example I have of angels responding to prayer was much more dramatic.
I was driving home from an event one night with a burden on my heart. During this event I heard from a woman who was in deep pain because her husband was divorcing her. She was tormented over the loss of her husband and the potential impact to their children.
Divorce is inspired by the dark. But the dark doesn’t just want the marriage to end. Through the instability created by the divorce, the dark seeks to disrupt future relationships in the family for generations.
My heart went out to this family and I was inspired to pray fervently as I was driving home. As I prayed I loudly declared to the enemy “you may not have this family!” At that moment, about thirty feet ahead of me, two brilliant bright lights appeared and shot straight across and the traffic circle. The lights were about ten or twelve feet off the ground and disappeared as quickly as they had come.
My logical mind started to question what I saw. I wondered if it had been another car’s headlight. But there were no cars in sight and the lights had been too high for a car.
I knew in my heart that my passionate prayer had set two angels to work to go to this family and help.
Looking for Angels
Take the time to seek out angels that may be assigned to you.
Take a break from your activities and look in a general area, Sometimes you may see movement in the air. Sometimes you may see what looks like heat rising off the road. These may be indications that you are looking at angelic activity, though only partially seeing the angel behind the veil.
Also, look for movement in your peripheral vision. One day when opening my bedroom door, I saw a flash of white move away as the door opened. The white appeared to be the hem of a white robe, moving out of the way. I dismissed this initially. However, after many recurrences of the same phenomenon, I have come to believe that this is the robe of an angel who guards my bedroom door.
Here is a link to a helpful book from Michael Van Vlymen. It is entitled, “How to See in the Spirit: A Practical Guide on Engaging the Spirit Realm.” This book provides specific keys and exercises to help you see in the spirit and engage the angelic realm.
I hope these resources will be useful in your own journey to put your angels to work in answering prayers.
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Supporting Scripture:
Matthew 18:10 – “See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven continually see the face of My Father who is in heaven…
Revelation 19:10 – Then I fell at his feet to worship him. But he *said to me, “Do not do that; I am a fellow servant of yours and your brethren who hold the testimony of Jesus; worship God.
Hebrews 1:14 – Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?
Matthew 4:11 – Then the devil left Him; and behold, angels came and began to minister to Him.
Daniel 10:18-19 – Then this one with human appearance touched me again and strengthened me… Now as soon as he spoke to me, I received strength and said, “May my lord speak, for you have strengthened me.”
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