People put their trust in spirit guides for learning, direction and assistance in the spirit realm. But how do you know if you can trust your spirit guide?
We Need a Guide in the Sprit
We are born into a natural world and the vast majority of out interactions are physical. Being in the physical world constantly, we are experts in operating in the physical. For instance, we can walk, run, jump, swim and perform all kinds of physical feats. Yet if we want to perform at a high level in an activity such as a sport, we need a guide, a teacher, a coach. In order to grow, we need someone who has experience in this activity to pass along their knowledge and foster our growth.
This is no different in the spirit world.
However, we spend much less time in the spirit world. We only see or experience it partially, so we more like toddlers learning to walk in this world. Because we are novices in this realm, we need a guide, a teacher, a coach even more.
If you are curious about the spiritual realm may be inclined to seek out a spirit guide. But before you do this, there are things you must know.
How to Choose a Guide
Sticking with the sports analogy, let’s say you want to be an gymnast. How do you select a teacher? For starters, you will probably ask people you know already in gymnastics about their experiences. You may follow up by searching the internet for reviews of the schools. Before you sign up with a particular teacher or coach, you would visit the school. By doing so you can see how they teach and how good the students are.
Yet when people enter the spirit world, they tend to do no such research ahead of time. Jumping right in, they are more likely to call out to their spirit guides to reveal themselves.
Picking the Wrong Guide
The results of picking the wrong coach in the physical world can be disastrous. Trusted by their students and parents, some coaches and their support staff have molested their students. Start by searching Mark Schiefelbein a coach who molested a 10 year old girl. Most recently, check out Larry Nasser, accused of molesting hundreds of gymnasts. Another big news story was the case of Jerry Sandusky, a football coach who molested boys who trusted him.
Even on the physical, with all of the tools at our disposal, people fall victim to guides they trusted.
Truly, in the spirit world the results of choosing the wrong guide can be no less disastrous.
How Can You Know if You can Trust a Spirit Guide?
Can you trust your spirit guides?
I’ll ask you this question. Let’s say you were to stand on a random city street in a foreign country looking helpless, and call out, “can anyone help me?” Who would come? Who would be the most likely to want to engage you?
It may surprise you that approximately 40.3 million people* are caught up in the bondage of human trafficking. Many of these are in bondage because they relied on the wrong person to help them.
So if you stand in the spirit world looking helpless and call out, “can anyone help me?” Who would come?
The spirit realm is filled with many deceptive spirits. Like victims of human trafficking, many people who automatically trust spirit guides come under bondage to malevolent spirits.
How Not to be Deceived
How do you know if you can trust a spirit guide? Below is one of my experiences as well as several testimonies of people who have pursued their spirit guides.
I was interested in growing spiritually and looked to New Age practices. In order to hear from a spirit guide, I contacted a psychic. This psychic told me that the spirit of a relative was near me and watched over me. This spirit guide told the psychic that I should do something that I knew would hurt my family. Yet, this guide who “cared much for me” said that my children would be okay with this choice. (see my post Do Psychics and Mediums Talk to Spirits? for details)
This was a blatant deception. Unfortunately, this advice held me back from making things right in my family and my family suffered. This spirit guide was not there to help me, but to destroy me by masquerading as a benevolent spirit.

The following links are to testimonies from people who trusted spirit guides only to have those guides turn against them. If you click this search on YouTube, you will find many such testimonies like these:
Woman’s Relationship with Spirit Guides Turns Sour
Spirit Guides Turned Out to be Demons
New Age Testimony of Spirit Guides
The Test for Spirit Guides
In the spiritual realm there are four basic types of spirits you may encounter; God, angels, fallen angels and demons. Of course, the first two are good, and the last two are evil. There are also spirits of people, but you will not encounter these without a visit to heaven or hell. So where do spirit guides fall in these groupings?
The basic way to tell is to understand that God’s is good and He is loving. He will never guide you to do something that is against his nature and His word. If I had applied this test, I would have known the spirit guide in my testimony was not on my side.
The only way to expose the spirit’s true identity is to expose them to the light. Jesus Christ is light. Those spirits in the light will acknowledge that He was come in the flesh. Malevolent spirits will deny him and your interest in Him.
With this knowledge, ask your spirit guides if Jesus, the son of God, has come in the flesh. See what they say. Test them to see how they react if you tell them that you want to learn more about Jesus.
In this way, you will know who they are.
All of us are assigned an angel before we are even born. This angel will watch over you, comfort you and help guide you in subtle ways throughout your life. But an angel will never steer you in a direction that goes against God’s way. An angel will never make you promises or manipulate you or other people.
What to do if You are Oppressed by Spirit Guides
If your spirit guides are oppressing you, then you are being oppressed by demons. You have no authority alone against them. Fortunately, there is one who does.
Jesus triumphed over all darkness. He has authority and dominion over all, heaven, earth and under the earth, and He shares His authority with His followers. It is written that He has seated believers in a position of authority with Him and given us authority over demons and over ALL of the power of the enemy without being harmed.
The good news is that you can stand in His authority, be forgiven of all your sins, and share in the everlasting life He has promised. God has made this easy – simply surrender your life to Jesus. Believe in your heart that He is the son of God and has been resurrected from the dead, and confess with you mouth that you surrender your will to Him.
If you do this and mean it, you will be saved and can immediately take authority over spirit guides and other demons. Tell them “in Jesus’ name” that they must leave you and never return to you again. Believe it, and repeat it until you feel confident. They must comply.
Congratulations, you are free.
The Ultimate Spirit Guide
As a believer you have access to the a spirit guide who loves you and will lead you in all good things – the Holy Spirit. If you surrendered yourself to Jesus, you may receive the Holy Spirit. To do this, seek out a spirit-filled person, and ask them to lay hands on you and pray for you to receive the Holy Spirit.
If you know of no one like this, it is okay. You have the perfect high priest, Jesus. Lift you hands to God and ask Jesus to fill you with the Holy Spirit.
You now have access to the ultimate spirit guide, one that you can always trust, because He loves you.
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Related Scripture:
1 John 4:2 – This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God
1 Corinthians 11:14 – No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, …
Luke 10:19 – I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.
Romans 10:9-10 – If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
Acts 19:6 – And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they began speaking with tongues and prophesying.
- Per the The International Labour Organization
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