One way to know if you’re impacting an enemy is how hard that enemy fights back. The dark fights back, and I have the scratches to prove it.
The Dark Fights out of Frustration
If you are debating a sensitive topic with someone and they have no good response, many times they grow frustrated. They may resort to insulting you or cursing at you. If the topic becomes more heated, your opponent may even physically attack you.
The dark side of the supernatural reacts the same way.
The dark is an enemy that fights back.
The Natural Reflects how the Dark Fights
The mood of our world today reflects the dark spiritual atmosphere around us. The dark is enraged and so the world is enraged. The dark fights and so the world fights. And all this rage plays out on our TV, computer and phone screens with insults, intolerance and violent fights.
How many times in this past year alone have mass fights erupted on our streets and college campuses simply because a speaker with an opposing viewpoint comes to speak.
This is how the dark responds to opposition – it fights.
Who is the dark? Satan, fallen angels and demons. These are the enemy who makes up the powers and principalities of the air and the deceivers, tormentors and tempters on the ground.
To be clear, if you are not in the light, your are in the dark, whether you know it or not, and the dark doesn’t want you to see the light.
The Dark Fights Authority
The dark seeds rebellion and fights authority.
Let me ask you, who fights the hardest, one with authority or one with no authority?
A quick look around the news will answer that. The one who lacks authority fights passionately; he becomes outraged because he lacks the authority to do what he wants.
If the one lacking authority is a politician, he or she yells at the opposing side. If the one lacking authority is a population of people, they riot in the streets.
And if the one lacking authority is a demon, he outright attacks those who oppose him.
But no matter how hard the dark fights, it will be defeated if it meets true authority. You see, the light fights too. But the light fights from a position of authority.
The Demon that Physically Attacked Me
The dark does not want its hold on the world to be exposed, so when a blog is written named Expose the Dark, it fights back.
If you have read some of my other posts you know that being attacked by the dark has not been uncommon in my life, especially once I started heading towards the light.
I guarantee you that the dark has attacked you, even if through more subtle ways. So just two weeks into creating this blog site, as I prepared to write the post Are Psychics and Mediums Real?, a demon physically attacked me.
As I was on a laptop at my kitchen table, I felt burning across my back – the exact sensation you would feel after being scratched by a sharp object. However, I never felt the object itself doing the scratching. As the feeling spread, I instinctively knew what it was. I headed to the bathroom to look in the mirror knowing that I would find scratch marks on my back. Sure enough, when I looked, I saw this:

So what did I do? Was I scared? Did I back off? No. I rejoiced.
The message I received was that in writing this blog I was on the right track. That I had struck a chord with the dark enemy and that the enemy doesn’t like to be exposed.
I praised God and worshiped Him and continued in the spiritual warfare that I engage in daily, covered in the full armor of God. And as a result, I felt more spiritually alive since that time for days after.
How Did the Dark Get to Me?
Am I surprised that a demon was able to enter my home?
I had cast demons out of my home years ago and they left immediately. At the time of the attack there were several other people in the house, two bearing a gift. My hypothesis is that one of the guests brought this spirit with them, and by accepting the gift, it gave the demon permission to enter. In support of this, the attack happened within minutes of me sampling that gift. In any case, I declared protection over my house and commanded any demons to leave.
Now in all honesty, was this attack that bad? To me it shows the lack of authority that the dark has. I received worse scratches this weekend playing with a puppy – no joke.
Plus, what enemy attacks from the back? What would you call a gunfighter in the old west who shot someone in the back?… a coward?
The one difference in these scratches was that although the physical scratches were 95% gone by morning, I continued to feel burning where they had once been. To stop the burning, I declared the blood of Jesus and the light and glory of God over my back. With those words, the burning sensation left.
Is the Dark Attacking You? What if it isn’t?
The dark fights us in many ways including fear, anxiety, depression, anger, lust and sickness just to name a few. If you are experiencing these, you may want to consider if there are spiritual roots to the symptoms you are experiencing.
Could it be that the dark is fighting the keep you from fulfilling your purpose?
Conversely, what if life seems to be going your way? You may be thinking that luck just seems to be with you as evidenced by money, cars and travel.
Be aware that this could be the sign of a spiritual con game.
A con that makes you feel self-reliant rather than dependent on God. Then when things couldn’t go better, the “luck” dries up. In no time, you could find yourself suddenly depressed, divorced, alcoholic, and contemplating suicide.
The news is full of people in high places falling down. The point is, the dark fights us in many ways, some more subtle than others.
I’ll sum this up with one statement. You are either in the light or in the dark – choose.
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Relevant Scripture:
Ephesians 6:11-12 – Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.
John 1:5 – The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend [overcome, absorb] it.
Matthew 10:27 – What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim upon the housetops.
John 12:46 – I have come as Light into the world, so that everyone who believes in Me will not remain in darkness.
Matthew 5:14 – “You are the light of the world.
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