The belief that demons bring sickness and disease is ridiculed these days as archaic and superstitious. But has our reliance on science blinded us from a power hiding in the shadows?
The Cultural Gap
Before science formed the basis of our modern day thinking, people believed that demons brought on sickness and death. But through technology, the microscopic world opened up to us and we learned of viruses and bacteria. Modern medicine replaced spiritual remedies.
In the “enlightened” world, to ascribe sickness and disease to demons is largely regarded as superstition.
But not all of the world sees things this way.
In the western world we see a gap between the spiritual world and the natural world. In our eyes, the two are not connected.
But this is not the case in many other cultures in places such as Africa, South America and Haiti. The people of these cultures see the spiritual world and natural world as overlapping. Even in our own country, the Native Americans have always understood this to be the case.
Witch doctors, shaman, spells and curses are all too real to people in these regions. And in many of these cultures, going to a shaman or a witch doctor instead of a medical doctor to stop a disease is normal.
Seeking More
Yet more and more people in western culture are seeking a spiritual solution. Spiritual healing is growing as people search for other options. Eastern medicine, alternative therapies and mystic new age practices such a reiki are rapidly growing in acceptance.
It seems that despite our practical nature, deep inside we seek a spiritual solution. We seek a higher prognosis than “you have cancer and only have six months to live.”
Linking the Natural and the Spiritual
In truth, the things in the spiritual manifest in the physical. Or conversely, the things we see in the natural are rooted in the spiritual. This truth goes far and wide, beyond sickness and disease. But for now, let’s stay on topic and focus on sickness and disease.
Of course viruses and bacteria have a direct role in illnesses. But would you believe that these “germs” are led by an unclean spirit?
Certainly an injury can result from trauma, but is that injury prolonged by a spirit taking advantage of the trauma? Could the spirit even helped cause the trauma?
For sure cancer can be linked to toxins in the body, but is the cancer itself backed by a spirit?
Yes, yes and yes. How do I know this?
Demons Causing Sickness and Disease: Evidence from the Light
Personal Experience
I have many examples of this, but I’ll take a very recent example that occurred this week.
I have twisted my ankle several times lately. None of these events were too serious but I realized when I tried to stretch my ankle that it was inflexible and painful to turn. Knowing that spirits can be linked to injuries, I commanded the unclean spirit to leave my ankle using authority.
At first nothing happened.
Then my ankle suddenly started to pulsate.
I commanded the spirit to leave once again and I felt pain start to move up my leg – it was on the move. Repeating the order, the pain quickly left. I then initiated the healing, which I will describe in a future blog, and the pulsating slowly subsided. Soon my ankle had regained all flexibility and the pain had left.
You see, the spirit had used the injuries and my acceptance of the resulting pain to reside in my ankle. To find healing I first had to evict the spirit.
One of the people who clearly demonstrates the role of demons in sickness and disease is Mel Bond. He is a Native American Christian minister with roots from the Cherokee and Lakota tribes. In Native American culture, linking the spiritual world to the natural world is normal.

Mel can see in the spirit, and when he looks at someone with an illness he can actually see the spirit causing, or at least prolonging the disease or injury. Because he sees the spirit and knows his authority, he can force the demon to leave. Here is an amazing (and short) video posted by Mel on YouTube where you can actually see a spirit of blindness leaving a man.
Demons Causing Sickness and Disease: Evidence from the Dark
The testimonies of those who once operated in the dark as agents of satan can be useful to understand the strategies of the enemy.
Here is the testimony of a man who is now in the Light after once having given his soul to satan. As an agent of satan, he would perform false miracles to manipulate a person (on video see time 5:15). Knowing the connection between demons and sickness and disease, he would use his demon to order demons inside other people to leave. You see, his demon had greater authority in the demonic world than the demons causing the sickness or disease.

When the demon left the person, the symptoms of the disease left, allowing the person to be free from pain. The man would then allow the demon to come back upon the person and thus use the false healing to bring the person to an allegiance with the dark.
Here is a book I read that is a good resource for understanding the strategies of the enemy. It was written by a former satanist who found salvation from the dark in Jesus. The book is Unmasking the Devil: Strategies to Defeat Eternity’s Greatest Enemy, by John Ramirez.
The Source of Authority
From what kingdom do you derive your authority: the kingdom of darkness or the kingdom of God? In the kingdom of darkness, your authority can always be taken from you. But in the kingdom of God, your authority comes from One whose authority can never be taken.
It is well known that Jesus healed people. In almost every case described in the Bible, the healing was associated with the casting out of a demon. Yet, if you ask most Christians if they believe that demons are the cause of sickness and disease, most will tell you “no.”
This deception of western thought causes most Christian to be ineffective. Their authority unknown and unused.
So how do you tell a demon to leave?
It’s simple… if you are a believer in Jesus Christ and have surrendered your will to Him. A fully-surrendered believer has the authority of Christ and when such as believer commands a demon to leave in Jesus’ name, the demon must leave. (see my post, Are Demons Real)
Once the demon is gone, the healing can begin. There are many models for healing but you can listen to people like Mel Bond, Todd White and Randy Clark to see different ways of healing. Though there are some differences in their approaches, at least one thing is common – commanding healing in Jesus’ name.
In what kingdom do you want to operate? It’s your choice.
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The Word:
Matthew 8:17 – When evening came, they brought to Him many who were demon-possessed; and He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were ill.
Matthew 12:22 – Then a demon-possessed man who was blind and mute was brought to Jesus, and He healed him, so that the mute man spoke and saw.
Matthew 17:18 – And Jesus rebuked him, and the demon came out of him, and the boy was cured at once.
Mark 1:34 – And He healed many who were ill with various diseases, and cast out many demons;…
Mark 6:13 – And they were casting out many demons and were anointing with oil many sick people and healing them.
Luke 10:19-20 – “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”
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