You may start practicing witchcraft as a means to achieve good. Though you may be a good person with good intentions, you are opening doorways you may not want opened. Let’s peak behind the veil to see what is happening when you practice witchcraft.
The Normalization of Witchcraft
Witchcraft was once seen as pure evil. When I was a kid I saw witches in this way. They were wrinkly, warty old hags who carry poison apples and may or may not get around on a broom. They were the wicked antagonists of The Wizard of OZ, Snow White and H.R. Pufnstuf.
But now, anyone from teens to housewives are seeking witchcraft to help them overcome problems. Perceptions have clearly changed and witchcraft has become attractive for many.
How did this happen?
To a large degree media has change our perceptions. The initial seeds of good witches on screen started in the 1960s with the TV series Bewitched, but the real push started in the late ’80s and 90’s. Focused on kids, movies and shows like Teen Witch, Sabrina, the Teenage Witch and The Wizards of Waverly Place changed perceptions of witches. No longer were witches perceived as old hags with warts – Samantha was attractive, Sabrina was cute, the Wizards were funny.
What these shows started, Harry Potter escalated. The Harry Potter series recast a whole generation’s view of witchcraft. Previously relegated to the shadows, witchcraft is now open and celebrated.
The Adoption of Witchcraft in Normal Life
With witchcraft now at the center of popular culture, the opportunity for it to morph into every day practice opened.
More and more we feel powerless against our circumstances. In the age of information, we are more aware of the battles of opinion being fought and feel powerless to drive change. Seeking power and control over our problems, more and more of us have sought out new age practices and witchcraft.
And, those of us practicing witchcraft are becoming more vocal. On multiple occasions, people such as these have used witchcraft to try to put a spell on the president! Here is an article with a video interview of a woman who considers herself a witch doing just that.

Like many, the woman on this video she sees herself in a benevolent cause and using witchcraft as a means to gain power in achieving this cause. This is not unusual thinking for those engaged in these practices.
This woman states that “they have the pure intention of creating good in the world to make a better, loving, whole, healthy world.” Sounds innocent, right?
The Source of Power for Witchcraft
Though these intentions seem pure, they can lead us to overlook the source of the power of witchcraft.
Let’s take a closer look at this spell. According to the Washington Examiner, the ritual calls for the use of an unflattering photo of Trump, a tarot card, a stub of an orange candle, a pin, and a feather. Participants then call on the “heavenly hosts, demons of the infernal realms, and spirits of the ancestors” to bind Trump “so that his malignant works may fail utterly.”
Demons of the infernal realms? Do you know what doorways you open into your life when you call on demons to help you in your cause? We’ll come back to this.
When the woman in the above video was asked if she was worried that there would be repercussions from dabbling in witchcraft she stated, “Nobody’s worried that it’s going to backfire on them.”
But is this just an isolated case? It does’t seem to be.
According to the Activist Mommy website, during the 2018 elections, the Women’s March official Twitter account called on its supporters to “cast spells” in order to “fight the patriarchy any way” they can.
How Witchcraft Impacts the Practitioner
As I mentioned previously, calling on demons or in any practice of witchcraft you are opening doorways for demons to come into your life. Demons are tricky. They existed among humans for thousands of years and know how to get to us (see Are Demons Real?). Just like in the media, whereby witchcraft appeared benign at first, demons work in your life the same way.
They appear to help you, while giving you the belief that you are in control, but at some point you will find out that you are not the one in control and they will come for you.
By engaging in witchcraft, even with good intentions, you give demons a legal right to come into your life. I say a legal right because the spirit world is one of kingdoms, authority and even courts. When you dabble in witchcraft you have placed yourself under the kingdom of darkness; under the authority of demons in a hierarchy leading up to satan himself. This kingdom will claim you as a citizen of its own. And not just you, but your children and your children’s children.
Testimonies of Witches
Here is the testimony of a woman who had been abused as a girl and sought control over her life and other people. Witchcraft provided that power and control for a while. But when she tried to leave, she got a view behind the veil and saw a demonic beast crushing her own body with its teeth.

Here is another testimony of a girl who sought power over her depression and suicidal thoughts. Witchcraft only made it worse. Soon she found a dark figure touching her in her bed at night.

You see, demons can give you power but they also give you the illusion that you are in control. When you try to leave on your own ability, they will not let go because you have given them legal rights over your life.
What both of these testimonies share is that they turned to the one power that is above the demons – God. Only the redemptive power of Jesus Christ and the blood that He shed for our sake can remove someone from witchcraft. Only through His blood can you be legally taken out of the demons’ dominion.
A Time for Decision
If you are engaged in witchcraft it is only a matter of time before you realize you have lost control. Do not let yourself be lost. Many times demons lead their victims to severe depression and even suicide rather than let go of them.
Repenting of witchcraft and surrendering your life to Jesus is the only way out that promises life, and abundant life at that. If you want out, repent, believe and surrender and He will change everything.
No matter what is in your past, you will be delivered from the kingdom of darkness and find you have a place in the Kingdom of God.
The Word
Deuteronomy 18:9-11 – Let no one be found among you… who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead.
Leviticus 19:31 – ‘Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them…
Luke 10:19 “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”
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